Food Studio

Food Studio

It's interesting to see some kind of trend in the internet, where people kinda more conscious about what they eat. Maybe because we, as a human, see the news or media, and we saw so many bad things going on, especially with nature. So we tried to do something about it, at least start with ourselves. Just with a small act like eating.

One of my favorite director, Naoko Ogigami (Megane, Kamome Shokudou, Toire, etc), always insert a scene where the characters share food on the table together, I believe, eating could be a effective media to share thoughts and ideas. Unfortunately since it's so easy nowadays for us to get connected trough the technology, we tend to forget how does it feel to communicate or catch up with our friends.

Enjoying breakfast or dinner with someone else is one of may favorite things to do. Sadly, I don't have many chance to do it :-(

Well I just hope, that with some people create a magazine (such as KINFOLK) or a program to bring back this simple routine, it could remind us to appreciate the other people and nature as well.

And in the future we won't forget the importance to get in touch with another human.

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