Hummingbert Stereo

Hummingbert Stereo is a musician from Thailand as i mentioned on my previous post. He made a very delicate music sometimes with nostalgic feeling once we had it when we were a kid. He seems very promising, come with Japanese aesthetic. His music not too mellow, more into easy listening and more happier as if you are having a picnic or eating a strawberry shortcake/chocolate mousse or whatever your favorite is :-) So if you are into that kind of music, you should check his myspace. I love his new track, Sleep under the peach tree, it's beautiful, hopefully he's going to release an album soon. Good luck mate :-)

*psst, He's also a good illustrator as well, how come he's so talented like this!*


Make it Easy said...

cute music! thanks for sharing another wonderful thing sun!

and MERRY CHRISTMAS MY FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sun said...

My pleasure and Merry Christmas to you too! :-)

lauren carney said...

Oh little sparrow!
Your blog is fantastical! - with fancy pictures here, there and everywhere!
It tickles my tummy butterflies!
Enjoy your new year!

Sun said...

Haha, thank you Lauren, and enjoy your new year also :-)

saya said...

i also love them!!
peaceful music!! : )
happy holidaaaays *

julia said...

Sun, you are Indonesian, rite?
Blog-nya bagus ya. Berkat rekomendasi elu, gue mampir ke Warung Sopa waktu liburan ke Ubud. Jauh men jalannya, tapi it was worth it. All my friends were happy! Thanks!

Sun said...

Saya, Happy holiday too! :-)

Julia, sama sama. Iya, kalau disana jalan emang jauh jauh, tp di Ubud enak jalan kaki, sekalian liat liat, hehe.