Digital Album
"a little something"
- Donate For Japan Earthquake Project -
本コンピレーションは音楽家、パーカッショニストの三沢泉(Izumi Misawa)の呼びかけのもとに製作された、東日本大震災支援コンピレーションアルバムです。
( ※ 詳細について、下記を最後までお読みいただけると幸いです。)
The compilation is for contributions for Japan earthquakes 2011,organization by Japanese musician/percussionist Izumi Misawa. All the proceeds from the downloads of the compilation will be donated to JAPAN EARTHQUAKE over by "THINK THE EARTH PROJECT,Think the Earth Fund".
My friend, Miju Lee, posted it on Facebook. Nice project to help Japan through music, hope this could help them. They got 栗コーダーカルテット ( Kuricorder Quartet) & Paniyolo :-)
A Little Something to help Japan.
ps: Don't forget to check her website too, very talented illustrator!
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing this, every help is needed.
ooh how wonderful!!
i bought/donated :-)
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